Our good friends at RUFF ROLLIN' Wheelchairs for Dogs have launched their new website today. If you have a pet in need, or know somebody who does... give them a call. (877) 390–RUFF | (406) 582–0225 | ruff@ruffrollin.com
RUFF ROLLIN’ is a family owned company founded in the heart of the Northern Rockies, in Bozeman, Montana. We are committed to one thing; we will provide you and your dog with the best possible experience during this difficult time. I began a career building wheelchairs for disabled dogs 12 years ago, working with some of the top companies and veterinary professionals in the industry. It has been one of the greatest and most rewarding parts of my life. After helping countless dogs gain back their mobility and dignity, I can’t imagine doing anything else. My wife, Sierra, and I bring a combined 13 years of experience in this industry to the table. Sierra also brings an additional 16 years of customer service.
Together we provide compassion, humility, trust and a promise to serve your needs and exceed your expectations. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to provide your dog with a new lease on life!
Jason and Sierra Christofferson